Adapting to Live with an Ostomy can be challenging. Thats why we've put together this comprehensive list of resources to help everyone navigate through this complex time.
Dietician Services - HealthLink BC DIAL 8-1-1
If you live in British Columbia, don't forget to dial 811 to speak with a dietician through HealthLink They can be very helpful with understanding what additional vitamins and supplements one should be taking to ensure their bodies are set up to thrive. More information can be found here - Dietitian Services
Financial Resources
Federal Funding
Disability Tax Credit -  A non-refundable tax credit that helps people with disabilities reduce the amount of income tax that they may have to pay. (Currently a tax credit of ~$10,000) - more information can be found here.
Registered Disability Savings Plan - A long term saving plan to help people with disabilities who have been approved for the disability tax credit to save for the future. Once the plan is open, both government grants grants and bonds are available (up to $90,000 of contributed by the government to your savings over ones lifetime).  More information can be found here. The RDSP is only available to those 49 years of age or younger.
If you have any questions about any of the information shown on this page, please feel free to reach out to us for further clarification.